Priority 1 Government and 3M Working Group


Government 3M Work Group

The Government and 3M Working Group will identify and recommend projects to the MPCA and DNR for funding with money from the 3M Settlement. To assist the Working Group, Subgroups will be established to analyze options and deliver assessments and advice to the Working Group on alternatives and options. The Working Group will review the work products of the Subgroups and provide recommendations on projects and priorities to the MPCA and the DNR for their approval. The Working Group will also share advice and recommendations with the Citizen – Business Group.

Next scheduled meeting

Details to be added soon.


This group is composed of one representative each from the MPCA, DNR, 3M, Washington County and one representative from each of the following communities: the cities of Afton, Cottage Grove, Lake Elmo, Lakeland, Lakeland Shores, Maplewood, Newport, Oakdale, St. Paul Park, Woodbury, the townships of Denmark, Grey Cloud Island and West Lakeland, and the Prairie Island Indian Community. One representative from the Citizen – Business Group will also be a liaison to this group. Each community, MPCA, DNR and 3M can designate one alternate for when their representative is unable to participate in a meeting.

  • This group will meet at least once a quarter, or more frequently if needed, will be briefed on all work in progress, and will provide input on topics to explore.
  • The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Metropolitan Council, while not members of the Working Group, will be invited to consult on regulatory and policy topics in their area of expertise.
  • The MPCA and DNR will assist and support the group, including preparation of project proposals and technical materials for meetings.
  • The meetings will be open to the public, and time will be reserved at the end of each meeting for public questions or comments.

Past meeting materials

May 2024

February 2024

December 2023

October 2023

April 2023

No March 2023 Meeting

No February 2023 Meeting

January 2023

No December 2022 Meeting

November 2022

No October 2022 meeting

No September 2022 meeting

No August 2022 meeting

July 2022

No June 2022 Meeting

May 2022

No April 2022 Meeting

No March 2022 Meeting

No February 2022 Meeting

January 2022

No December 2021 meeting

No November 2021 meeting

No October 2021 meeting

September 2021

No August 2021 meeting

No July 2021 meeting

June 2021

No May 2021 meeting

No April 2021 meeting

March 2021

February 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

June through August 2020 - no meetings

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020 - No meeting

February 19, 2020

Video recording, courtesy of South Washington County Telecommunications Commission

January 2020

Video recording, courtesy of South Washington County Telecommunications Commission

November 2019

Video recording, courtesy of South Washington County Telecommunications Commission

October 2019

Video recording, courtesy of South Washington County Telecommunications Commission

September 2019

August 2019

July 2019

  • One hour conference call/WebEx
    Topic: Expedited projects - under the Minnesota’s Data Practices Act, funding decisions are not public information until all grant agreements are signed and executed. The goal is to notify the individual applicants of funding decision by the end of July.

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018