The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) are responsible for implementing the 2018 Agreement and Order with 3M Company. Under the agreement, the MPCA and DNR are responsible for establishing a least one work group to identify and recommend projects and for determining what projects and other activities will be funded by the settlement funds. The MPCA and DNR will use the framework described on the work group pages to engage communities, stakeholders and technical experts in helping to identify and recommend priorities and projects to be funded.
Priority 1 work groups
Priority 1 Government and 3M Working Group
Priority 1 Citizen and Business Group
Priority 1 Subgroup Drinking Water Supply
Priority 2 work groups and subgroup
The DNR and MPCA will convene two work groups to provide input on Priority 2 planning. The DNR and MPCA anticipate asking the work groups for their feedback on the goals for Priority 2, the evaluation criteria that will be used to guide project selection, and request for proposal solicitation scope and language. The Government and 3M Work Group will comprise local government units (city, township, county), tribal government(s), and 3M representatives. The Resident Work Group will comprise residents from the East Metropolitan area and in downstream areas of the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers. A technical subgroup, Ecosystem Services and Recreation Subgroup, will also help provide conservation perspectives, natural resources and recreation planning efforts relevant to Priority 2. See below for more information about each of these groups.
Priority 2 Government and 3M Work Group
The Government and 3M Work Group will share their feedback on Priority 2 goals and planning processes with the DNR and MPCA.
Priority 2 Resident Work Group
The Resident Work Group will provide feedback on Priority 2 goals and planning processes to the DNR and MPCA. Membership of this work group will be open to interested residents from Ramsey, Washington and Dakota counties.
Priority 2 Subgroup: Ecosystem Services and Recreation
The DNR and MPCA will also invite local resource managers, communities, and non-governmental organizations to servce as a technical group in order to gain insights into local planning relevant to Priority 2. Planned or approved natural resource and recreational planning documents will provide insights for restoring and enhancing aquatic resources, wildlife, habitat, fishing, resource improvement and outdoor recreational opportunities in the East Metro area or in downstream areas of the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers.