Technical Subgroup 1: Drinking Water Supply

Technical subgroup discuss planning

This Subgroup will analyze options and deliver assessments and advice to the Government and 3M Working Group and the Citizen and Business Group for long‐term options for drinking water supply and for treatment of existing water supplies that will improve the quality and quantity of drinking water for communities and individuals in the East Metropolitan Area.

Next scheduled meeting

The last formal Drinking Water Supply Subgroup (SG1) meeting was held on June 15, 2022. Technical updates will be provided at future Citizen and Business Work Group and Government and 3M Working Group meetings or as-needed in a separate technical meeting. SG1 members are welcome to attend these meetings. 


The group will be composed of technical experts from MPCA, DNR, MDH, 3M, Metropolitan Council, and Washington County. The cities of Afton, Cottage Grove, Lake Elmo, Lakeland, Lakeland Shores, Maplewood, Newport, Oakdale, St. Paul Park, Woodbury, and the townships of Denmark, Grey Cloud Island and West Lakeland will each have one representative on the Subgroup. Each community, MPCA, DNR, MDH, 3M, Metropolitan Council, and Washington County can designate one alternate for when their representative is unable to participate in a meeting.
  • The Subgroup will meet at least once a month and more frequently if needed. While all members will be invited to every meeting, actual participation at a given meeting may be driven by the agenda for that meeting. It is understood that those who are interested in specific projects and approaches will be most likely to attend a particular meeting.
  • Technical experts not affiliated with the Subgroup may be invited to consult on topics in their area of expertise.
  • The meetings will be open to the public, and time will be reserved at the end of each meeting for public questions or comments.

Evaluation of potential projects

Potential projects may include private well use alternatives, multi‐municipal drinking water supply concepts, individual municipal drinking water supply systems (including treatment systems), neighborhood connections to municipal systems, drinking water supply alternatives, groundwater studies, and monitoring/modeling needs.
  • Project options will be assessed by the Subgroup. Municipalities will provide information on needs and feedback on emerging ideas. Involvement by particular communities will vary and evolve over time.
  • Under MPCA, DNR and Subgroup direction, technical teams may be created to delve more deeply into specific project approaches and work closely with individual communities on project proposals.

Past subgroup meetings

June 2022 meeting

No May 2022 meeting

No April 2022 meeting

No March 2022 meeting

February 2022 meeting

No January 2022 meeting

No December 2021 meeting

No November 2021 meeting

October 2021 meeting

September 2021 meeting

No August 2021 meeting

No July 2021 meeting

June 16, 2021

May 19, 2021

No April 2021 meeting

March 2021

February 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

June through August 2020 - no meetings

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020 - no meeting

February 2020

January 2020

November 2019

September 2019

August 2020 - Educational forum

The August 12 educational forum was geared for the communities of Afton, Denmark Township, Grey Cloud Island Township, and West Lakeland Township to discuss potential options available for communities that are currently served by private wells only.

Video courtesy of South Washington County Telecommunications Commission

July 2019

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018